We craft playful everyday wines for the climate, food & culture we have in Australia.

We also have a Youtube channel.

And we import wine.

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Do You Make Natural Wine?

Sort Of. Not Really.

We borrow a lot from the natural wine tenants although we aren't tied to any rules. We're constantly trying to find ways to minimise our impact while striking a considered balance between technology and terroir. Much of the heavy lifting is done for us in the varieties we make wine from; being more suited to the climate and water-availability.

What Does 'Unico Zelo' Mean?

In Short: Unique Zeal

Of course everyone thinks we do 'Italian Wine' because of the name, our bad...

The idea behind the name was that we felt at the time (in 2012) there were very few people focussing on making Australian Wine for Australian People in a way that would last generations. While we're very happy to admit we're not the unique in this anymore, it informed our choice of name for the winery at the time: a 'Unique Zeal' to make a meaningful contribution to the world of wine, as an unashamedly Australian producer.

How Are You Sustainable?

Where To Start?!

We became a Certified B-Corp in 2019, the first winery in Australia to do so. We're big believers in holistic sustainability, looking beyond our environment, but also considering our people and our social impact. A large driving force of this was our choice of grape varieties that minimise the need to irrigate, but also reliance on synthetic fertilisers, pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. This allows us the opportunity to farm in a much more regenerative manner.

The list of our sustainability endeavors is too broad to answer here, so we invite you to check out our Sustainability Tracker to show you in real-time, the efforts we're going to.

What's With The YouTube Channel?

You mean this little thang?

We're a young team, although for a lot of us; we're the only young people we know who love wine! Which is a shame! So we took that love to the medium in which we love learning from: YouTube! We kicked off during COVID and that gradually expanded to become Wine For The People - a place we're growing a vibrant community of connected wine lovers!

Why Do You Focus On Italian Varieties?

If we had a penny for every time we were asked this!

It's not about 'Italian' or 'French' or 'Spanish' - it's about the right grape for the site. We're not re-inventing the wheel here: when using a combination of The Winkler Index and Homoclime Matching - the land itself actually tells you want to plant (give or take). It just-so-happens that these figures are telling us to plant more heat and drought resistant varieties. For sure, we have a guiding hand over this - but we're agnostic to variety - we want to find the best for our sites and climates. French, Italian, Spanish, Greek, German - whatever - we're Australia, and we're all about Australian Wine.