Friday Fluff #9

Blog & Vlog-Friday Fluff #9-Unico Zelo-Blog-Vlog-Wine

Friday Fluff #9! Oh heck we're almost at double figures - we've almost been through 10 weeks or so of a very strange time. But plenty of good news this week! Footy's Back. Pubs are Back. Keep pushing Australia! Also have we got a hell of a week for you with this fluff. Pretty great stuff all round, and some absolute belters! Might keep this thing semi regular as we start to roll back into the great outdoors but we shall see!

Anyway the booze. We've talked beer, we've talked plenty of wine, now let's talk some spirits! I'm sure you're well aware that we bloody love our gin, but we drink plenty more than just our sister distillery Applewood. Some great mates of ours down the hill in the Adelaide CBD Prohibition Liqour Co. have just released their new Navy Strength - very much appreciated right now - and it's barn burningly good, an absolute ripper. Plenty of native Australian ingredients like Saltbush, Finger Limes and Samphire with a definite maritime influence, it's saline and uber refreshing like the spray of the ocean on a summers day - not to be too poetic. Phenomenal. Buy this gin - one of the best i've tried this year. ON TO THE FLUFF!


The Last Dance is over but check out these Larry Birds 




Making the great indoors fun with Ikea's Fort tips!

Wigwam - Ikea Tent

Huge companies Carlsberg and Coca Cola are trialling compostable bottles!

Carlsberg Compostable Bottles

German Cafe introduces noodle hats to ensure social distancing  


Clean Sheet Kitty: Legendary Goalkeeping Cat


@joshgarlepp captures what the lifting of pub restrictions really looks like


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