Friday Fluff #12

Hi Ya'll, hope you've all been keeping well! We've hit wine numbers with the full dozen of these fluff pieces - I can't wait until we graduate to a baker. How are ya'll feeling? It's hard to properly articulate how we're feeling right now, because it's a lot. There's plenty to be stoked on and there's plenty to definitely not be - that's my experience anyways. But we're all about the former here, and we've got some really good news here. So many great trends around the world, but I really just want to touch on one: Bless the Pangolin. You can read more below but my word they're so cool. But they always look like they're plotting something though right? This meme really nails it. They're adorable.
Let's move on. Beverage recommendation. Once again we're tucking into a Wine For The People livestream guest, because we keep doing swaps, but these guys bloody rule, and of course they're the legends from CRFT, who make an array of single vineyard Gruner and Pinot Noir, this being one from an amazing vineyard in the Adelaide Hills: Whisson Lake. If that name doesn't ring a bell, they're known for growing (and making) some of the best Pinot Noir in the hills, and it shows with this. Definitely not your 'glou glou' or 'soif' kinda Pinot - this is serious stuff (but still incredibly drinkable. Drink it now or drink it in five years, this stuff will please you no matter what. Onya Candice and Frewin - and thanks for the shirt! On to the fluff!