Junk Food Wine: The Lolly Bag

Is there a better way to spend your pocket change - affectionately given the proud bogan moniker of ‘shrapnel’ - than on a cheeky bag of lollies? Sweets. Candy. Confectionary. Another one of those iconic...

The Unico Guide to the Adelaide Hills

We love the Adelaide Hills. Outrageously scenic and an incredible and ever-growing microcosm of a food and wine community. We've had the Sauvignon Blanc Avalance - the Sauvalanche - we've built a reputation off of...

How Long Does An Open Wine Last?

The quick answer to the question - depends on how fast you drink it! Hahahahahahahahahaha, I'm such a comedian. Enough silly-ness, we're talkin' wine oxidization now. It's an oft-asked question - when will my wine go...

Why Do We Love Dolcetto?

Ahhhh Dolcetto. It’s just one of those varieties we love to drink - a wine for when you don’t quite know what wine you want to drink! It’s an enthralling wine, and it’s easy to see why it’s...

Level Up Your Mulled Wine!

We may be on the back end of winter but in this fine country our winters can drag on well into September, and there is no better way to combat the winter blues with wine...

What Is Australian Wine Really?

This might be a really strange statement, I'm sure that title has thrown you off, because to be honest it's pretty silly, but here we go: What Is Australian Wine? Yeah, ridiculous right? If the grapes grow...

Funkworks & Txak Atak: What The Heck Is It?

Yeah, we made a wine inspired by Txakoli - and in classic Unico style, it's something no one has asked for. We've been toying around with this idea of Funkworks for a little while now,...

What's The Deal: Sugar and Wine

It's one of the more commonly asked questions at any kind of tasting event that we're involved in - at least outside an industry tasting: "is this wine dry?" or "how much sugar is in...

Fast Five: 5 Fortified's To Get You Into Fortified Wine!

At some point - if you're of drinking age of course - you must have tried a bit of fortified wine at in your life. Whether it's in a cocktail, in a spot of cooking...